When I entered your suggestions and a few different modifiers, I was not able to get it.EditPad Lite is a general-purpose text editor, which is an alternative to Windows Notepad, and is designed to be compact, offering all the features of a text editor. I found a great site for testing these and other RegEx expressions ( ). Thanks for that suggestion. This allows you to automatically enable coding features when. Many settings can be made per file type.
I’m not a coder but the regex101 site explains it and shows the results so I know it matched the find parameter perfectly, but leaving the replace blank did not change anything. $ - and that worked in the regex101 but not in SAB. Sent me a Skype message suggesting I try - ^\status. EditPad Lite Review You can open as many files in EditPad at a time as you want You change between the open files by clicking on their tabs EditPad does not.Chris H. A feature of this simple editor is that you can open an unlimited.